Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy ONE Month k3lly <3

Wow!! I don't believe it! Today is our (@h_p3k & k3lly) one month!!!! Time sure flies.. I really don't feel that we have been together for already a month! Wow!

So many things has happened since then.. Ups, downs, upside downs.. A lot la... Haha.. So, as I was saying, this is our 1 month.. I've baked (shhh.. k3lly doesn't know yet..) for her. Kinda burnt the top slightly.. Won't know how it is till tomorrow. Too hot to touch actually. It should be cool by now. hmm.. Oh well.. Can't wait to actually do it. Haha...

I will put up the pictures as soon as I'm done editing my layout. Around 30% on the way. Will try to finish as much as i can tomorrow as I will be at Uni for quite a lot of free time... (Try 30-45min lecture for the whole day  -.-'' ) Will be at the Library to finish it up. I hope there's a space for me to sit and charge my laptop.. These days the tables are all filled up! Nearing of FINALS!!! @.@

So, today was quite uneventful I guess? Oh! Sunday night at around 8.50pm after I finished cooking my biscuit-like crunchy French Fries. Haha.. Cooked it under low fire for around 10minutes. So..... at 8.50pm my whole area, the row behind my house and the rest of the houses in front all got a power cut. Im not sure why did it happen. My Aunty staying at BDC said they got theirs at around 5-6pm. Maybe SESCO is fixing their power-grid? So, I immediately called my mum to inform her that the house, as well as the area, is in total darkness (I could barely see the house across. what more further than that...) She told me to call my Aunty at BDC to pick me up and sleep over there instead.

I hung up, called, and around 910pm my Uncle came and pick me. I locked up and left for BDC. Upon arrival, did some SMS with k3lly.. read Archie, half of it to be continued. So I watched TV a while, then did some of my layout.. deleted like the whole bit, and start from scratch. Haha.. Now is just to copy, paste, amend, publish.

So, slept at around past midnight. Woke up at 630am. I thought it was still 4am+. Felt very tired. Nice sleep. Changed, got out of the house and walked to the bus stop. The bus came at around 705am. My phone is set to 5 minutes faster so most of the time i won't remember that I did so. Haha. Arrived Uni at around 720am. Then went to Cafeteria to drink my all time favorite, Teh-C-Peng (other wise known as Iced Milk Tea). Last time it cost RM1.40 a cup, now it costs RM1.60 each! The cheapest before, Fried Mee with Taugeh, was RM2. Now risen to RM2.50. All of the food rose by 50c where as the drinks i think by 20c. -.-" The Brown Sauce shop all rose by 30c. Nonya shop hasn't increased. But quantity and quality dropped slightly. Maybe to accomodate the cost? Who knows...

So, at 830am usual went to Chillipepper to see k3lly and walk her to class. Went to lecture. Most of it I slept through. Haha.. Then at 950 we finished so I went to Library to enjoy some nice cooling aircon. At 1010am i saw k3lly there so i went to sit with her till she went for her class. After that i returned to my seat and continued to jiggle around with my layout. Thats when I sorta sorted out the unsorted suppose-to-be-sorted layout. Haha.. You'll see what i mean when its up.

Then at around 1150am k3lly sms me that she has finished her lecture. So i went to Old Lobby (G-block) to wait for her. I waited for around 3minutes then I called her. She was in the Library -.- So i went back again. Haha.. We went t cafeteria to eat our lunch. Had 4 vege + extra rice. Haha..

After lunch up to library again. Did some more of my layout. By 110pm i remembered that i asked Nic to help reformat my laptop. So i did some backup. Ignorantly forgetting to backup my MSN Chat History -.-" last backup i did was on the 21st of April. 3weeks ago!!! arghh!!! Nevermind. But then it was k3lly's birthday and there was a WHOLE LOT OF THINGS WE SAID!!! =.=" Cant be helped.. Rush work is never a nice work..

The at 130pm went to my programming lecture. Managed to play around with what we were to do. With some help from Sin Khian. Haha.. At the same time played that Restaurant City game on Facebook.  Quite boring unless you like to hear cash registers and some other sounds.. Like sea waves and clanking of wooden spatula on a pot. Haha... Oh well...

Then at 430 finished. went to look for Kong. Went to Open Lab and then continued playing with RC. At around 555pm i went to the bus stop. My aunt invited me for dinner. Sadly my car was sent to the Mechanic for repairs.. Will be ''immobilized'' for the next week or so =*( No more late mornings... hello 6am bus.. =.="" damn..

Arrived at my aunt. Talked a bit.. then had dinner. around 830pm kong picked me up from there and we went out for a while. hunting for a Bakery. Haha... Arrived back home at around 920pm. Cooked Taugeh Mee for kong. Didn't try it yet. There's some leftovers.. So I might cook it for my dinner later on. Haha..

Then Nic came to send my laptop back. Did some checking. All is well. Faster than before. duh.. But i need to reinstall a whole lot of my goodies. Haha.. not used to how it looks at the moment. At around 1045pm i started preparing to bake. Bla bla bla sieve sieve sieve stir stir stir by 1140pm the cake was ready and in the oven. Sadly, i forgot to adjust the temperature to the required cooking temperature and also lower the grill. Too close to the top. Burnt it instead. Haha. but the rest of it looks edible. haha.. just a mm or 2 was burnt. So that i might need to trim off. After the cake went into the oven here i am online. only started to type this at around 140am. haha..

Now is already 215am. my eyes and head are giving me signals to sleep. So i shall end here.. got a long day tomorrow.. sort of =S 45min of lecture at 130pm for the whole day.. what the ****... Lol...

So, cheerio~!

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